The historic Sister City union between the Northern Cheyenne Tribal Nation and the City of Scott City has been 145 years in the making. The two entities became the second such union in the United States between a sovereign nation and an U. S. city by unanimous vote. Jerry Thomas presented the proposed resolutions to the City of Scott City and to the Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council. His desire to foster a relationship between the two is now an opportunity for amazing cultural exhanges in the future.
This year marks the 145th Commemoration of the Battle of Punished Woman’s Fork. Past commemorations have centered on blessings, tours, stories, and reconciliation. The focus of this year’s event will be one of celebration which will include a Signing Ceremony with the Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council and the City of Scott City.
Other activities will include a Community Cookout, Powwow Celebration, and Sharing of Stories by the descendants of the Northern Cheyenne and the U.S. Military families. The weekend will conclude with a Walk with the Spirits; a hike with descendants and historians from Scott County Historical Society who are the curators of the National Historic Site at Punished Woman’s Fork.
Schedule of Events:
Saturday, September 23, 2023
2:00 PM Unveiling of new art and rare antiquities in the Jerry Thomas Gallery and Collection, 902 W. 5th Street, Scott City, KS (refreshments provided)
5:00 PM Gather at the City Park in Scott City for Community Celebration
5:30 PM Sister City Signing Ceremony
6:00 PM Community Cookout
6:30 PM Powwow Celebration/Sharing our Stories
Sunday, September 24, 2023
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM El Quartelejo Museum and Jerry Thomas Gallery and Collection will be open
3:00 PM Walk with the Spirits at the Battle of Punished Woman’s Fork National Historic Site