Heartland History on the Highway

As part of the June Jaunt celebration along Kansas Highway 96, the Scott County Historical Society will be offering two presentations of The Story of the Fleagle Gang, by guest speaker Keen Brantley.

This dark incident in local history involved a bank robbery in Lamar, Colorado, on May 21, 1928, and the subsequent murder of four innocent citizens. One victim was a Lane County physician, who was kidnapped by the Fleagle Gang to treat one of their men with a gunshot wound.

Keen Brantley is a Scott City attorney, who first heard the story from Don Lang, who was Scott County Attorney at the time of the incident.  Mr. Lang was one of several men who formed a posse to search for the missing doctor and the bank robbers.  Mr. Lang presented his own version of the story to the Scott City Lions Club in 1965.  Mr. Brantley uses that summary to tell the story, which is both informative and entertaining.

The Story of the Fleagle Gang program will be presented at El Quartelejo Museum on Saturday, June 2, 2012 at 2:00 p.m., and again at 4:00 p.m.  There is no charge to attend and refreshments will be served.  El Quartelejo Museum and the Jerry Thomas Gallery and Collection, located at 902 West 5th Street, will be open from 1:00-5:00 p.m.


Another June Jaunt event offered by the Scott County Historical Society will be the Free Historic Guided Bus Tour to the State Park and the Duff Buffalo Pasture.  The tour will take place on Sunday, June 3, 2012.  The bus will leave the museum parking lot at 1:30 p.m.  This event is free and open to the public, but reservations are required. 

Call the museum to make reservations: 620.872.5912